Evolving Women's Health

Meeting Your Patients Needs
May 2024 Good Clean Love products promote vaginal microbiome health with our patented Bio-Match® system based in iso-osmolar formulations and pH balancing using a unique blend of lactic acid which supports...
Meeting Your Patients Needs
May 2024 Good Clean Love products promote vaginal microbiome health with our patented Bio-Match® system based in iso-osmolar formulations and pH balancing using a unique blend of lactic acid which supports...

Dr. Hannah Strom on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction an...
The pelvic floor, which consists of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues, can be influenced by various factors including the microbiome.
Dr. Hannah Strom on Pelvic Floor Dysfunction an...
The pelvic floor, which consists of muscles, ligaments, and connective tissues, can be influenced by various factors including the microbiome.

Optimizing UTI Treatment: The Critical Role of ...
Antibiotic switching was associated with higher HRU and an increased risk of UTI recurrence compared to not switching antibiotics
Optimizing UTI Treatment: The Critical Role of ...
Antibiotic switching was associated with higher HRU and an increased risk of UTI recurrence compared to not switching antibiotics

Antimicrobial Resistance: A Global Health Emerg...
Did you know that antimicrobial resistance is currently one of the greatest global health threats, with resistance detected to all antibiotics currently in clinical use?
Antimicrobial Resistance: A Global Health Emerg...
Did you know that antimicrobial resistance is currently one of the greatest global health threats, with resistance detected to all antibiotics currently in clinical use?

Charting New Territories: Mapping the Vaginal M...
Dr. Kim Capone delves into the latest expansive citizen-driven research conducted in Belgium, exploring the intricate mapping of the vaginal microbiome.
Charting New Territories: Mapping the Vaginal M...
Dr. Kim Capone delves into the latest expansive citizen-driven research conducted in Belgium, exploring the intricate mapping of the vaginal microbiome.

Exploring New Frontiers in Vaginal Microbiome S...
Chief Science Officer, Dr. Kim Capone discusses the recent research and scientific interest in the importance of the vaginal microbiome, from the Scientific American article, “The Vaginal Microbiome May Affect Health More than We Thought."
Exploring New Frontiers in Vaginal Microbiome S...
Chief Science Officer, Dr. Kim Capone discusses the recent research and scientific interest in the importance of the vaginal microbiome, from the Scientific American article, “The Vaginal Microbiome May Affect Health More than We Thought."