Good Clean Love products promote vaginal microbiome health with our patented Bio-Match® system based in iso-osmolar formulations and pH balancing using a unique blend of lactic acid which supports both D and L isomers.
Painful Sex
Recommended products to:
- Alleviate conditions of dryness and pain with sex
- Assist with low libido by restoring moisture and fluid to labial tissue
- Augment experience of intimacy without distraction of dryness and pain
Almost Naked Organic Lubricant
- 95% organic aloe/water based lubricant
Bio Nude Ultra-Sensitive Lubricant
- Formula for patients in recovery or with chronic pain conditions
Vaginal Biome Health
Recommended products to:
- Alleviate vaginal dryness
- pH correction to reduce overgrowth of infectious bacteria
- Support vaginal microbiome health to reduce bad odor
Restore Vaginal Moisturizing Gel
- 90% organic aloe/water-based gel
Balance Wash
- Safe, gentle, and effective for even the most irritated tissue.
- Replenishes vaginal microbiome with native lactobacilli species found in optimal vaginal environments predominantly crispatus
Vaginal Dryness
Recommended products to:
- Alleviate vaginal dryness
- pH correction to reduce overgrowth of infectious bacteria
- Augment experience of intimacy without distraction of dryness and pain
Restore Vaginal Moisturizing Gel
- 90% organic aloe/water-based gel
BioNourish Ultra Moisturizing Vaginal Gel
- Ultra-sensitive formula for patients in recovery or with chronic pain conditions
Vulvar Hygiene & Relief
Recommended products to:
- Support the external labia
- Support the growth of healthy lactobacilli via a pH-balanced wash
- Provide pain relief
Balance Moisturizing Wash
- Safe, gentle, and effective for even the most irritated tissue.
Relief Gel Pain & Itch with Lidocaine
- Provides 4% lidocaine in an iso-osmolar base